Counterfact: This declaration came in response to Lauer's question about why the network would settle with women to secure their silence. The problem here is that O'Reilly himself reached settlements in some of the cases. When Lauer asked O'Reilly why he didn't sue any of the accusers, he said, "Because you can't win those lawsuits if you're a public figure. male sex toys Abuelazam, 33, an Israeli citizen, also is suspected in unprovoked attacks in Leesburg and Toledo. The four victims in Virginia and Ohio survived. For arraignment. I also was looking for ways to add more than just an "on/off" button, and the addition of waterproof as a feature. I knew that the only "alone" time many women got in their busy day was in the tub or shower and what better way to get a little extra stimulation? But, it turned out that the retail community was not in tune with promoting the feature, and waterproof bit the dust, only to be revived years later...